Case Studies
The Executive Leadership Council
2018 & 2019 Mid-Level Managers Symposium & Gala Week
The Executive Leadership Council (ELC) is the preeminent membership organization committed to increasing the number of global black executives in C-Suites, on corporate boards and in global enterprises. The ELC is a national organization comprised of current and former black CEOs and senior executives at Fortune 1000 and Global 500 companies. The Executive Leadership Council’s Mid-Level Managers Symposium (MLMS) is a two-day, professional development seminar for more than 1,000 aspiring managers. Participants learn from and network with leading business and education experts who are within and outside of their respective functional areas (e.g. Finance, IT, Sales and Marketing, etc.). In addition, TGA executed 3 additional events during the ELC’s “Gala Week” ranging in attendance from 60 students to 2500 gala attendees. The ELC team’s goal was to serve as hosts to their attendees and have the bandwidth to efficiently and effectively manage sponsors and VIP guests, hence hiring TGA as event partners. TGA’s responsibilities ranged from A/V company management to food & beverage, check-in, hotel and venue management, vendor negotiation and overall program execution for attendees.